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workflow for mixing animation with CHOPs

jim c

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I've been wondering about how best to animate stuff with layers in CHOPs. Would a reasonable workflow be something like this:

1) design your rig, setup your auto scoped channels accordingly in the Type Properties for the asset

2) bring in the asset for animation in a new scene. Generate Nested Channel Groups from the asset

3) with the groups selected, export them to CHOPs with Motion Effects > Create Clip
4)Go into CHOPs. At this point you could key frame the channel values, which would be the equivalent of key the rig controllers, since those will now be driven by CHOPs.

5) feed the Channel into various Blend or Composite CHOPs. At this point this is like working with any kind of node based compositing tool.

6) create an Export Chop for the final exporting back to the rig


Is there anything I'm missing? Some easier or better way to do this?  The idea is to have the ability to mix in cyclic animations, for example a walk cycle, with key frames stuff, maybe the character is walking forward and then twists t oteh right and waves while walking, or other bits and pieces.

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