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how to give noise per primitive

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Hello there.


You need to have a position attribute (preferably the centroid) that is consistent for each primitive so that you can use that to drive the noise. I create a file that should work for any number of primitives (or objects), if your using a copy node I would suggest transferring the position of the point to an attribute instead of using a foreach afterwards, but I wanted this to work for you regardless.


Enjoy :)



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yes and i have another quesition for solve :D.this is about on  same example .in this example i want to compute rotation value  and tranfer to another object's rotation . i created some staff but i think i  stuck to quaternion because motion is still having  almost same motion but orient is not true, there for motion is being up to down


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  • 3 years later...

hi everybody ! i have made a setup and all is linked to a null which is the master. is there someone who knows how to move rotate and scale a null master randomly with a noise(like mountain)?? 

Edited by JIJIKV
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As always there are many solutions to this. If you are familiar with CHOP's that would be the easiest. Just right-click on the channel and go to motionfx and add noise.
You also mentioned the mountain SOP. What you could do is create a single point and modify that with a noise(mountain) and then reference it to your translate/rotate/scale of your locator channel with the centroid expression for example.

centroid("../geo1/OUT_noise/", D_X)

for the X channel of your moving point. D_Y and D_Z give's you the other values. This is just one of many possible options.

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