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install VFL files

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hello everyone , This Maybe a stupid question, but how you compile a .Vfl file and install it. I've tryed vcc -u *.vfl and it created to files a .vex and .ds , I am confused after this point.

I am trying to install the water.vfl file

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What you are getting is the compiled file and a dialogue script. YOu then have to put the files somewhere where houdini can find them and then edit another file to load the .ds... pain in the ass. Use the -l flag instead.

vcc -l myvfl.vfl myotl.otl

This will compile you vfl file and create an otl for it. Then, in Houdini for File->Install Operator Type Library and install the OTL. Much easier. You can shove as many compiled vfl's into this same OTL as you want.

vcc -l my1vfl.vfl myotl.otl

vcc -l my2vfl.vfl myotl.otl

vcc -l my3vfl.vfl myotl.otl

will stick 3 different compiled vfl into the myotl.otl.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey slade,

I'm struggling trying to install downloaded shaders, I see you have had a similar struggle. The problem I'm running into is that using vcc -l myvfl.vfl myotls.otl doesn't seem to do anything, it creates no file. So I guess what I'm wondering is did it work for you? or was there more to the equation.



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sup austincable, I was struggling to install the shaders from the codex shader using the vcc -u foo.vfl it was pain beause it generate two files a .vex and a .ds and you have to stick'em some where in the houdini directory, i couldn't get that to work, so i did what Mccronin suggested and it worked, but for some reason it doesn't work on 7.0.142. But I've found a mucher easier way to do it.


look at deecue's post its a very simple way of doing it. let me know if that helps

Franks and Beans


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