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Recursively splitting particles with the new particle system


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Hi guys,


I am trying to create a particle system where a dead particle splits in two untill they reach a certain target. I have seen some examples with the old popnet setup from H12 that achieved this by using groups that are fed back into the split node. With the new particle system I have the feeling that the recursive nature of groups doens't function like it did before. 


So my question is: how do I make particles split upon death untill a certain condition is met without using a new replicate node for each split?

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Thank you very much for your example. I don't have much experience with these particle systems yet so there are a few things I don't understand.


What is the purpose of the almostdead attribute? The deathincr attribute seems to allow to identify the seperate trails later on but does it do anything in the POP network?

After some playing I discovered that the amount of particles that split off after death is equal to the life expectancy that was set in the original source and in the source node that seems to govern the split. Why does it do that?
You reference the POP object in the pop source that creates the split particles, does this mean the POP object holds the particles of the previous frame or something similar?

Thanks again for the example, it is already much more than I could come up with myself.

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