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file batch for windows ....


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I am trying to follow the crowd tutorial of Guillaume Fradin. During this, he is using one of his tool, a filebatch tool to convert bvh files in bclip/cmd files.

I tried the hda but it seems there is a compatibility problem between Linux and Windows. I am on Win7 ...

Newbi onPython programming,I am now trying to modify this script to make it work properly on WIndows but I am unable to make something working :(


here is the original script :

import os
import re
import sys

def start(node):
    for file in file_list(node):
        launch_cmd_on_file(node, file)

def get_nb_files(node):
    nb_files = len(file_list(node))

def file_list(node):
    dir = node.evalParm('directory')
    pattern = node.evalParm('pattern')
    return pattern_matching_file_list(dir, pattern)

def launch_cmd_on_file(node, file):
    cmd = node.evalParm('cmd')
    dir = '/'.join(file.split('/')[0:-1])
    cmd = "cd "+dir+';'+cmd+' '+file+';\n'
    print cmd

def pattern_matching_file_list(dir, pattern):
    list = []
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir):
        for file in files:
            if re.search(pattern, file) is not None:

    return list

On Windows I find a problem with the os.system(cmd) line : I don't think mutiple command works on windows ( or not this way at least).

The pattern_matching_file_list function give slash/backslash issue.


After some failed tests, I am focusing on a specific directory to understand what is going on.

Here is the modified code :

import os
import re
import sys

def start(node):
    for file in file_list(node):
        launch_cmd_on_file(node, file)

def get_nb_files(node):
    nb_files = len(file_list(node))

def file_list(node):
    dir = node.evalParm('directory')
    pattern = node.evalParm('pattern')
    return pattern_matching_file_list(dir, pattern)

def launch_cmd_on_file(node, file):
    cmd = node.evalParm('cmd')
#    dir = node.evalParm('directory')+'/'.join(file.split('_')[0:-1])
    dir = node.evalParm('directory')
    cmdb = "cd "+ dir
    cmdc = cmd +' '+ file
    print cmdb +' '+ cmdc

def pattern_matching_file_list(dir, pattern):
    list = []
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir):
        for file in files:
            if re.search(pattern, file) is not None:

    return list

with this code mcbiovision returns it's unable to open .bvh file for reading.



the print cmdb +' '+ cmdc  return line likes this : cd D:/MOCAP/CMU/01/ mcbiovision 01_14.bvh


Of course, if I tape theses 2 commands in a the houdini command line tool, it works as excepted.


Why theses 2 commands works when I tape them but don't work when it execute via python ?

Could it be beacause of  the 2 os.system() ? If yes, how can I use one os.system for 2 commands on Windows ?


Thanks for your help




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