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Transferring UV's from mesh to FLIP version of it

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I have a piece of geometry with a set of UV's.  Using the Shelf, I'm making my geo into a FLIP fluid.  

Then I want to apply my texture, which is based on the UV's from the original geo, to the Fluid version of the geo.


My setup so far goes inside the "my_geo_fluid" OP, and brings in a copy of the original geo.  I use an attribfrommap SOP to transfer the Cd values of my original texture to the meshed fluid object, and that works fine.  However the color does not stick to the points.

If I try to transfer the UV's from my original geo to the meshed fluid geo, I get an error because they don't have the same topology...

So what is the best way to do this?




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Alex, I responded in your other thread...  Uv's have to be assigned to the flip particles before they are simulated.  They will never stick if they are assigned after, unless you have an ID attribute.  Even then, you would have to run that through a solver sop if you wanted them to advect after-the-fact, since SOPS will re-cook the entire node tree each frame, erasing your uv assignment.  It is doable, but double the work.

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