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Is there a way to stop swept geometry

from rolling 180 degrees on concave

sections of the backbone?

I'm also having problems with reference

point aiming, namely the first and last

item orientation is broken when using

a vertex-offset copy of the backbone as

the reference point input (see attached).



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thanks, Edward.

I'm trying to have the ringed side of the

geometry all on the same side so I can run

a cable through it.

when the animation is played the first

item will still flip along its length at seemingly

random frames.

perhaps it needs some vops point normal massaging

(there goes my evening) and a copy sop.

attached is a lighter, playable version.



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nice. incidentally, how do I get a vector

output from a matrix3 in vops (lookat vop)?

I've looked up the math at euclideanspace.com

and tried it in this case (to cater for a twisted

curve) without success:

heading = atan(m01/m00)

bank = atan(m12/m22)

attitude = asin(-m02)


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Just use the Extract Transform VOP. Oh wait, that only takes a full 4x4 matrix. So after the look at, append a Matrix3 To Float VOP. Then Append a Float To Matrix VOP. Wire up the matching named outputs and inputs. (leave all the inputs with a number 4 disconnected) Now you can append an Extract Transform VOP after the Float To Matrix VOP.

This is a good candidate for a new custom VOP type. A Extract Matrix3 VOP.

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