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VOP Network nodes - Submenu Tab

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Can't get this seemingly simple thing to work:

I have a vopNetwork that I'm building some "CVEX Type" nodes inside of. I want to have these come up in their own menu in SHOPs, is there a way of doing this? Submenu Tab doesn't appear to work.




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You mean in the submenu tab?

Problem is if I lay down a "CVEX type" node in a VOP network, then jump over to a SHOP network, hit tab, the CVEX node pops up under CVEX... I want it under a new menu completely.

On the node by default you can specify the name it will pop up as. I was hoping there's another parameter I can add here for the submenu, but can't find any information on it.

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Is this through "Type Properties" on the node?

I just can't get this to work. Bare in mind I've got it working totally fine on my own OTLs, this is just for nodes create on the fly.

If you can get cvex1 to show up in it's own menu in the shopnet I'll make you my wife (#2 I'm afraid) ;).




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Guest mantragora

It's there. Its just that name is not updated correctly. But when you create one it updates. If you look into your SHOP and press TAB, there is Digital Assets section and inside there is "VEX Builder CVEX". This is your node. Create it and then check this menu again. What it's called now?

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Hmm, well I guess I just have to create a digital asset for each cvex type I want to create right...

I wanted to avoid that, but if that's the only way then so be it.

Thanks Guys


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Guest mantragora

Hmm, well I guess I just have to create a digital asset for each cvex type I want to create right...

I wanted to avoid that, but if that's the only way then so be it.

Thanks Guys


No, you don't have to. I asked, are you interested? There was no answer, there is no help :)

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Guest mantragora



Put this in "$HOME/houdiniXX.X/toolbar" directory.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <!-- This file contains definitions of "cvex1" tool -->

  <tool name="shop_cvex1" label="Oh, YEAH!" icon="CVEX1.svg">
    <toolMenuContext name="viewer">
    <toolMenuContext name="network">
    <script scriptType="python"><![CDATA[import shoptoolutils

shoptoolutils.genericTool(kwargs, 'cvex1')]]></script>


Read more here.

Edited by mantragora
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LOL, yes you are the best! :P

That certainly is a fix indeed, but don't think I'll be able to implement that here, think it'll be best to publish OTLs and then I have some sort of conversioning control.

Thanks for the fix, I'll bare it in mind for a later date if I ever need something like that.



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