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Setting python include path to external pyd library


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Hi all, I know python but am just starting out uncovering how to get things really working.


I have a .pyd file which I need to reference in a script but it cannot be moved into any Houdini folders, it has a lot of dependencies to relative paths in it's folder (a whole game engine).


I'm running Win 7 so I'm relying on Houdini's Python not the system install.


Where/how do I set an include path to external Python libraries in Houdini's Python?





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It's an old thread but replying here because I don't think the documentation is very clear on this so it took me a while to refresh myself on how to do this. There are a few options, such as setting in your pythonrc.py, but I find it easiest to add the following to my 123.py and 456.py files since I already set the JOB variable there:

import sys


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