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Editing a shader.


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Hi, very new to Houdini 13, this is embarrassing.


When I create a Billowy smoke shelf pyro, I can never find the shader in the SHOP. Do I have to apply the Billowy Smoke shader on to it (smoke)? Or is it hidden somewhere else?



How do I apply different Volume shaders to a smoke object ect?

Thanks guys!




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I think it's using the default volume shader:


HOUDINI_VEX_DEFAULT_VOLUME                 := 'opdef:/Shop/v_volumecloud'





    The default VEX surface shader applied to volumes.  If no surface

    shader can be found for an object, this shader will be applied at

    render time.

Edited by tar
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When you use any smoke preset (shelf tool) like "Billowy Smoke", "Wispy Smoke" or "Dry Ice", it doesn't assign any shader on import_pyro_build. You need to assign shader of your choice. You have some presets in gallaries under Volume.

While you use any fire shelf tool, it will assign pyro shader.

I think reason for that:

When you render smoke you need only density and vel volumes to render and Mantra understands density and vel fields what to do with these. So it renders just fine without any shader if you don't want to tweak density and shadows density at render time. If you wish to modify density or shadow Density you have to use shader.

But when you render fire you need temperature too. So you need pyro shader to communicate with Mantra to tell it what to do with temperature.

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