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Hello.. all Im new to houdini and enjoying working with the finest package in the wrld. well, I have too many doubts and let me put my first and foremost..

I like to export Objects designed in Houdini to game engines. and Im not able to find any supported methods in it. viz., .X and other else. is there any plugin or is it there hiding is somewhere? I have searched the docs of formats.pdf and unable to find what i was expecting.

thank you and please let me know if any bdy out there successfully exported any objects to games with animations too.

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Im hoping some one would see this and suggest a thought for exprting directly from Houdini!!! :(


If you have a converter to go from .obj to your format of choice and back, you can tell houdini to automatically use that converter. Look at the file $HFS/houdini/GEOio. It is a simple text file that Houdini uses to call different converters to support the various geometry formats. Houdini ships with many of the converters used.

This allows Houdini to read and write different default non-supported geometry formats.

To actually implement this, you would copy $HFS/houdini/GEOio to somewhere in the $HOUDINI_PATH like $HOME/houdini/ and edit the file there.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Having just gone through this, I can tell you that PolyTrans has the best .X exporter Maya plug-in and supports vertex colors and one UV set right now. The latest .X format supports more than one UV set, but I could find no converters or exporters that support it and many don't support .X vertex colors at all. A new PolyTrans that is being developed supposedly will support everything that .X has to offer.

Now, to go from Houdini is another story since .obj does not support vertex colors and supports only one UV set. If you just want geometry and one UV set, then do what was mentioned in previous postings. If you want more than that, or want to have bones and skinning you are out of luck with Houdini currently, unless you write your own converter.

I put in an RFE for .X exporting from Houdini (with animation and bone/skinning support), but since .X is a PC format and Houdini tries to avoid formats that are isolated to one OS, and .X is mainly a game format, I am not holding my breath. I also wrote to the PolyTrans folks about interest in a Houdini exporter and he said that it would be easy for Side Effects to put in the hooks to hook to PolyTrans, but the market was too small for him to make the development effort worth it for him.

I would love to be able to export Houdini animated .X character to use with some of the Real Time hardware rendering software, but that is a market that is being left to the Maya/XSI/Max crowd.

I wonder with the release of the HDK, some genius in the Odforce crowd could whip up a .X exporter in a reasonable time...



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