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Any tips on this? - simple flip fluids setup.

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Hi All,


So I'm totally new to Houdini, but trying this 'simple' flip tank logo project out.

Getting close but not quite there.


The surface particles spread out quickly and almost bounce around, making it hard to get a smooth mesh

(which is another separate struggle of mine).


I've read/heard that this 'breeching' effect is difficult to achieve, so I'm not entirely optimistic, but thought I'd throw there it out there and see

if I'm missing something obvious.






Attached the file in case anyone is interested in checking it out.


- Whups also attached the geo, apologies.



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Thanks, I had tried that and stick collision gave me even more erratic popping.


Do you think the part sep reduction should be extreme, and maybe that would help the erratic behavior?


This geo came from c4d and I thought maybe it was due to the over-complicated tri faces.

I did a test where I built an extrude from scratch, and that seemed a little promising, but then I ran into the

reverse direction extrude issue from Illustrator curves. Fun.

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did some slight modifications in your scene, but the major one is the fact that i made the speed change in your animation faster.

Cant have a breech effect if you just so softly lift up your object x)


Also, changed collision method to rbd instead of volume source - cuz that way you have friction availbale for ya.

And is supposely more accurate~


hope that helps :)


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Wow, ok cool thanks. I'll check this out.


So there's no good way to do a slow move like that and retain a nice 'peeling off' or breech of surface liquid?

What about some slight viscosity? Supposed to be milky though, so I guess that wouldn't work.


Thanks again.

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o sorry, didnt think it was speed specific.

gas surface tension might give you some of that, that and "stick on collision".


I thought you were going for the typical breech out of water, splashes everywhere effect :P


And very small viscocity values could help maybe?

have it be bigger values when the liquid is in collision fields and lessen whiles outside (via vops)

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Yeah, sorry I should've mentioned.

That slow speed I think is the tough part to get with the particles grouped enough to form a decent mesh, while still

falling away nicely.



It's one of those things that is probably way 'easier' to shoot, but I was curious to try it.

Probably picked a hard one to start Houdini with heh.



I'll definitely try those, thanks.

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While I have this topic up, anyone know if there any pros and cons for running a vdb mesh on cached geo (ROP driver)?


Like are there any inherent things missing from a cached sim, other than live changes, that impacts the mesh quality?


My box is slow, so keeping it live isn't really an option.




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no cons in caching, except that it takes up a bit of disk space and yeah, you cant make live changes to it.

Once you've cached the vdb, you computer no longer needs to compute it every frame, which means faster sims.

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One more question.


I was considering writing out an alembic file from c4d for the logo animation, in order to make it easier to work with the textures in c4d

after I bring it back in with the mesh.


Can I just replace the geo in the file node with the .abc file?

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