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Smoke volume sourcing in pre-solve with instancing/partitioning


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Hey guys,


I've got an issue in DOP with plugging a source volume node into the pre-solve input of a smoke solver when using instancing/partitioning.


From the scene attached, here are different scenarios:

- `fluidsource1/enable_partitioning` is disabled and the source volume is plugged into the post-solve input: WORKS.

- `fluidsource1/enable_partitioning` is disabled and the source volume is plugged into the pre-solve input: WORKS.

- `fluidsource1/enable_partitioning` is enabled and the source volume is plugged into the post-solve input: WORKS.

- `fluidsource1/enable_partitioning` is enabled and the source volume is plugged into the pre-solve input: FAILS—the container is entirely filled with a density of 1 at a frame after the expected frame.


I would like to plug the source volume into the pre-solve step so the velocities advect the density on the creation frame—am I correct to believe that this is a valid approach?


If so, what's going wrong here?


Also if, instead of sourcing the volume only on a single frame, a continuous emission is performed by turning off the `sparse_emission` switch, then it works fine again.


And finally I thought of scaling the volume density value by 0 outside the single emitting frame defined for each instance but I don't even know how to procedurally do that with volumes named "density_0", "density_1", ..., "density_n"? And I would have to do the same for the velocity sources and every other field to source, which is suboptimal.


I'd appreciate any help!



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