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Motion Vectors problem with Arnold

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I'm trying to render a motion vector pass with Arnold.


Everything is fine as long as I try to have a Transformation Blur, but as soon as I try to get some Deformation Blur, no blur is detected.  My Arnold Shader Network look like this :


Motion Vector ---> OUT_Material


Geometry Velocity Blur is activated on my geometry.



CentOS release 6.6 final


Arnold 1.3.0



I tried different ways to deform a torus.  xform is working.  Moving points with a Point SOP don't.  Animating a Mountain SOP works some times.


Any idea how to set that?






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Oh Yeah!


I'm new to Arnold.  Didn't add the Arnold Properties to my geometry node.  Now it seems to work.  Added a couple Trail SOP with compute velocity, and now it's fine.  But is there a way to compute those motion vectors without blurring the render.  Actually, my motion vector pass is an AOV, and as soon as I try to remove the blur from the render, my Motion Vector pass stop working properly.  I tried to set the shutter as explained in the Motion Vector documentation :




But it seems I can't obtain the correct Motion vector pass without blurring the render.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Michael


Yes, the Arnold ROP node in Houdini have an option to turn off Motion Blur, but when I turned it off, motion blur AND motion vectors were turned off.  The trick was to set the shutter directly on the Arnold properties on the geometry node.





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