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FLIP soft collider.

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Hi guys,


i would like to know if it would be possible to create soft collider with FLIP fluid.


By soft collider i mean using a SDF as a collision object but instead of colliding with the surface.

The particle behavior would be soften by a multiplicator on @v according to distance.


My goal is to use a collider to draw my fluid but to get rid of the feeling that the fluid collide on an object,

I would like to soften the speed of particle when they are close to the collider and maybe inject them a new direction to keep them moving.


Maybe a VOP plug in the field entry that modify @v according to gradient and distance is the way to go ?


Does anyone have try this ?


Thanks for your time !






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I think the best approach for this kind of setup is to handle your particle "soft-collision" with a custom popwrangle pluged in the particle velocity of your flip solver. Use the volumegradient to get the direction outward and the volumesample to progressively apply your changes to the velocity. If you using vdb, dont forget to extent your padding a little. Otherwise you might not have enouth information to create your transition smoothly. If you don't necessarily want the particles to be bounced off the the collider but you just want them to avoid it, you could also use the cross product of the velocity of the particle and the gradient of the sdf. It could give you an even smoother motion depending of what you're looking for.



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