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Setting material groups

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I have a model with UVs and surface IDs (polygon groups) from Modo. When I import it, Houdini generates UV islands for each group and adds a shop_materialpath appending the group name, e.g, "/shop/wall" as a polygon attribute.


I would like to use either the island number or the shop path in the group parameter in a material node to apply different materials. I know its pretty straightforward but haven't been able to create a group based on either one. I would prefer to base the grouping on the UV islands but knowing both would be good.  


If someone can point me in the right direction, much appreciated. 





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OK, got it. I can use connectivity and partition to create the groups by material names after some clean-up with a prim wrangle. HIP file attached in case it helps anyone else. I haven't sorted out how to identify the material group by UV island index but will post it if i do. 


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