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The difference between set( ) and { } on Wrangle?

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you can use {} syntax to define vector using constants like {1,2,3} or {-0.1, 1.5, 2,0}

but if you want to use variables you have to use set() function, which builds a vector by evaluating arguments



float num = 1.0;
vector A = {num, num, num}; // is invalid and will error out
vector B = set(num, num, num); // evaluates to {1.0, 1.0, 1.0}
Edited by anim
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...  He says set() is much more effecient than {} to calculate.

not sure about that, as set() is a function which produces vector {}

it's as if you were saying that rand() is more efficient than number 0.854


unless I'm missing something

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not sure about that, as set() is a function which produces vector {}

it's as if you were saying that rand() is more efficient than number 0.854


unless I'm missing something

Well, technically, 0.854 as a constant is more efficient than any function call  :)

Not sure if set() is faster though. For example there is also assign function, which extracts values from vector or matrix. Would it be faster then getting value by index? Need to do some tests anyway.

Edited by Stalkerx777
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You're probably right, all I know about it is what I saw in the tutorial.


What you said about not being able to use variables in {} is probably more important anyway.

Edited by rtep
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@anim : Thank you so much for your help. I've got it what your point! Have a great day.


@rtep : Hi rtep, It's great tutorial that I saw. I wanted to know more deeply for some a confuse things using them.


@Stalkerx777 : Thanks! I am going to try your technical support.

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