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How to determine the proportion between Ocean peaks distance and ship?

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Hi there,


I just wondering if there is any way could determine the proportion peaks distance between Ocean and ship.


Let me say I have a 250 meters ship, and a large ocean with 5000 square meters. I know there is a parameter called Grid size in ocean spectrum node that can be used for setting kinda of "distance between two peaks"(I tried understand it in that way). But so far I could only use my eyes to decide what it the best size for the ship. 


Here are to examples :


gird Size 30



grid size 200




you can see the difference of those pics. size 30 is completely wrong, size 200 looks not bad, but I have no confidence to make sure it has the right proportion  .


After a bunch of failure I realized how important to keep the proportion as same as real world is. So does someone who has experiences on dealing with the proportion problem could explain how to deal with it? Is any computing behind it? or just get some idea from experience?




Edited by GrayHare
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Hi there,


I just wondering if there is any way could determine the proportion peaks distance between Ocean and ship.


Let me say I have a 250 meters ship, and a large ocean with 5000 square meters. I know there is a parameter called Grid size in ocean spectrum node that can be used for setting kinda of "distance between two peaks"(I tried understand it in that way). But so far I could only use my eyes to decide what it the best size for the ship. 


Here are to examples :


gird Size 30



grid size 200




you can see the difference of those pics. size 30 is completely wrong, size 200 looks not bad, but I have no confidence to sure on that.


After a bunch of failure I realized how important to keep the proportion as same as real world is. So does someone who has experiences on dealing with the proportion problem could explain how to deal with it? Is any computing behind it? or just get some idea from experience?




Oh could someone move this thread to General discussions? I posted it at the wrong place. Thanks!

Edited by GrayHare
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The grid size as I understand it is just a refrence to the size of your original ocean "chunk"  that will be tiled after the fact.  So you have to decide on a base resolution of how many meters of ocean you want to create and based off that size decide how much tiling you can get away with on a shot by shot basis.  All of the other attributes are relative to your original grid size.

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