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popcollisiondetect dop messing up point numbers


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Hi guys, so my supervisor actually created a quick rain digital asset where it's a simple dop popnet. The particles then used as a template for a copy sop with grid as sprite with image sequences. Everything works out alright, it's just the little glitch, where the sequences will constantly, randomly jumping around. So I'd figured it's actually the point numbers hoping around after the popcollisiondetect cook, ID is consistent though.


Any idea how I can approach this? Below are some from mind...


- Possible to use "id" attribute as copy sop's template?

- Possible to set point numbers to id?

- Someone in this very same forum some time ago mentioned "sort" sop with expression but I'd no idea how I would start?

- Trail sop with add? I don't seems to be able to get this...


I feel somehow this is very easy to do in houdini but I just can't seem to get it done, been sitting the whole day trying to figure this out lol...


That's all I have for now folks, thanks and very much appreciated! Have a good day!

Edited by H2oKiD
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yes. point numbers jumping around is normal in a pops sim as particles die and are born the point numbers cycle. which is why id exists.



- Possible to use "id" attribute as copy sop's template?

Yes, in the stamp tab, variable 1 put "id", in value 1 put "$ID". make sure stamp inputs is toggled on.

use this expression



- Possible to set point numbers to id?



- Someone in this very same forum some time ago mentioned "sort" sop with expression but I'd no idea how I would start?

in a sort sop, point tab-> change point sort to "By Attribute"

attribute field -> id

This will simply sort point numbers from 0-npoints by lowest to highest id, not what you want I think.


- Trail sop with add? I don't seems to be able to get this...

I have no idea what you are trying to do here...



Edited by 3iart
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