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[SOLVED]how to achieve this kind of rotation effect,thanks


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Hi guys

     how to make this kind of effect that  one animated object rotate and another objcet rotate the same way . I can achieve this by using extract transform under the object level ,but how to do that under the sop level ? i have tried the attribreorient sop to make a quaternion attribute and then  transfer it to the object i want to rotate,im using the maketransform node to make a matrix and multly the position ,this seems to work but the result is  not accurate, am i missing something ? please help, thanks a lot.

Edited by spoopo
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if your "object" is rigidly deforming geo, then attribreorient should work, depending on the use

but you can as well just create transform from 3 points of your geo and apply to new one


however would be easier if you post your file

as it really depends on your data, and it doesn't help that you are referring to sop geometry as objects since they can be packed prims, or other prims that contain transforms which would make things easy, or they can be just deforming polygons, when you may need to compute transform yourself, but in any case you would probably benefit more from fixed scene

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In case you don't know, there's also 'pointdeform' SOP that does everything for you :)

I can't post a hipfile, but here's what you can do.


(I am using Tomas's hipfile)


Drop down Pointdeform SOP


Plug 'color1' to input 1

Plug 'xform1' to input 2

plug 'xform2' to input 3

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In case you don't know, there's also 'pointdeform' SOP that does everything for you :)

I can't post a hipfile, but here's what you can do.


(I am using Tomas's hipfile)


Drop down Pointdeform SOP


Plug 'color1' to input 1

Plug 'xform1' to input 2

plug 'xform2' to input 3

Thanks Jeongyeon ,I 'll try it .

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