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Switch from initial state to grain sim


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Hi - 

Following Particle Skulls tutorial called  "Initial State for Dynamics / H14 Tut"   on vimeo, I tried to set up a sand simulation where the sand reacts to some forces, and then subsequently I use that as the initial state for future reactions. 


The primary question seems to be this: you can pipe a .sim file into "initial State" on a DOPNetwork, but if you try to pipe it into a file node WITHIN the network, you get no love. 


Any suggestions?  Files attached.


thank you!


Edited by cwalrus
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Ok - so yes, using Houdini on a Mac is a disaster. I wish it were otherwise. This worked on a PC.


Additionally, if you want to use rigid bodies / static bodies on a POPGrain node with an initial state set, you have to set up the static bodies before you set the initial state, even if you don't animate them at the time. 

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