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Particle motion blur on PopGrains no working...

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Hi people,


I have a particle sim, a mantra node with "enable motion blur" selected -  


and on the Object node that is the source for the grains, I have "Geometry Velocity  Blur" checked.   (But this seems intuitively wrong...)



Anyway, no motion blur.


What am I not doing?






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I did check Geo Velocity on the sim (result) but I don't know how to tell if my particle has the velocity attribute... That kinda stumps me. Of course it has one, right? But I guess I need to assign one somehow?


Thanks btw

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If you didn't modify anything, it should have it.


If you middle mouse click the SOP that you are rendering, it shows you what attributes the points have. 



Do you want to post the hipfile? or test by multiplying the velocity attribute by 100 or something, to make sure if it is actually working or not. 

Edited by bluciensky
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Hey senor Bluciensky


Now I'm trying to get my particles to render with motion blur - just plain old particles, not Grains. I have motion blur checked on the Mantra Node, but I guess I need to do something else in the AutoDopNetwork?  ( I don't have source geometry - they are just emitting from a point)


thanks anyone including Blue





Oooops i figureed it out - ! There was a sneaky "SourcParticle" node hanging off the right of my screen, with the optoin to choose "Geometry Velocity Blur"


Thanks anyway!

Edited by cwalrus
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