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Nearest neighbor PCopen on deforming geo seems to be swimming around?

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This might not be the right issue. But here goes... I am trying to do a nearest neighbor pcopen. Where depending on the search radius i set in the pcopen. it will iterate through and when it finds a point it adds it to a group. until it grabs all the points. I set the points onto the mesh with a scatter. and then this is where the tricky part is. the mesh is deforming. so all the scatter points are changing. I do have the points sticking to the mesh and not changing with a attrib interpolate. But now on the second frame it jumps to the search radius and adds the all the points and then just stops not iterating and not adding any more points. I know this is probably hard to understand what is going on, but i'm having a hard time even explaining it. Does this sound familiar to anyone?  I have added my project file if this helps.



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What do we look at in your file? Nothing appears in the viewport and there is an error upon loading


Is there a very simply version you could upload.



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