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Rotate particle node gone?


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Hi - trying to have the geo i've instanced onto my particle system rotate - and the docs refer to a "Rotate" particle node that doesn't exist (!) as far as I can tell..



I just want the geo to randomly rotate / assume the rotation of the particles, assuming they have some...


also I'd love to have different geo instanced randomly onto the particles.. 4 differnt leaves, actually....?


thanks for help!

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Assign orient attribute for the rotation.

Also, how are you instancing it?

If you are using the 'instancefile' attribute for the instancing, you may just have four different attributes path (randomly assigned) pointing to four different geos.

I don't have a computer, so no hipfile... But keywords you can search are

Point + Orient. Upvector. Velocity. Instancefile.

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Also, if you have a second could you talk me through  "four different attributes path (randomly assigned) pointing to four different geos."


I have four different geos - i can access them either in the POPInstance node, or in Sops under the ImportLocation node  - i just don't know how to randomize them, or where to put the code. I've found this:




but i don't know where to stick it!

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I normally do my instance using 'instancefile' attribute.

Use atteibute create SOP.

Attribute name. instancefile

Class. Point

And this is string attribute.

Then put that expressions in the parameter.

Check Geometry spreadsheet to make sure you have the instancfile attribute path randomly assigned.

For your case you want to use.

int(fit01(rand($ID),1,5)) (I think that gives you the int value from 1-4 or something... Otherwise just changing the range to see).

If your geo path doesnt have the incremental pattern, you may just do this using attribute Vop using switch node or sth.

Now. On Obj level. Add. Whole 'instance' tab from edit parameter. (Or maybe you can do this from self menu. It's hard to explain this without having a computer with me lol). This enable the instancefile attribute to work as an instance.

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Ok cool - I think i figured out a way that was relatively straighforward for me.


In my geo Location_particles (my particles Geo node? Terminology may be wrong), I created a copy sop and fed an object merge and the particles into it. 


Then I duplicated the ObjectMerge and fed several more objects into it - and fed all of these into a switchNode


And then - holy cats - I learned about the stamp function. So on the copySop, under Stamp, I put this function int(rand($PT) *4) to get a random integer from 0 to 4. Then on the switch I referenced that function via stamp("../copy1", "id", 0) in the 'selectInput" box.


There's a simple Stamp tutorial in the Docs, btw. Stamp rocks.

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