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Vector transform problem


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Is there a way to create an attribute vector which can follow transformations like rotations, like the N vector. For exemple : I want my vector attribute to be (0, 1, 0) at the first frame, and next frame if my object is rotating I want my attribute to inherit that rotation (so my vector attribute is not equal to (0, 1, 0) anymore). Maybe there is a simple solution to this problem, but I'm unable to find it...





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Thanks for your help Tomas,


But do I have to assign it as a "rest" attribute (freezing frame 1, creating the attribute, and then attribute copy to the animated geo; if it is the best way to do it) ?


Here is what I'm writing :


v@newN = {0,1,0};
setattribtypeinfo(geoself(), "point", "newN", "normal");

With or without the timeshift the attribute value remain  {0,1,0} during animation. But I want the first frame to be a kind of rest vector for the entire sequence.

Or maybe I'm not doing it correctly.

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well it will work for any SOP that transforms attributes, like Transform SOP, Deformation Wrangle SOP, and others

however if you already have deforming geometry as an input, then just changing attribute qualifier will not change anything

in that case you can use Attribute Reorient SOP, where you can feed frozen geo with "rest" version of that attribute to second input

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