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Having read numerous threads on the very broad subject of modelling and rendering hair in Houdini, I can't help feeling a little out of my depth as a relative novice to Houdini. Many of you are industry professionals who work with packages like Houdini and underlying concepts on a daily basis. I, on the other hand, am a mere computer science undergrad with a keen interest in 3D modeliing and animation, a copy of Apprentice and some fairly ambitious ideas for my 3rd year major project.

My particular interest here is creating hair to cover most of a poly modelled character. I understand that short fur effects have been successfully created using geometry (comb/scatter/copy/lines or tubes) and shaded using the Hair SHOP or other SHOPs. However, I lose the thread when people start talking about VOP implementations and I can't work out whether they're talking about the geometry or the shading or both! It is also sadly the case that my character will have fairly long hair, not smoothed down like a dalmatian or a horse. I'm currently experimenting with simple techniques but I don't really know where to start when it comes to things like wavy hair, incresing the appearance of density without literally millions of hairs, and (maybe too ambitious) having dynamics applied to simulate gravity and drag when the character moves.

I'm also struggling with the fundamental idea of making it look vaguely nice. On the pinned Hair thread in the Rendering forum, someone has posted a very nice render of a cat with some pretty damn cool looking hair, of the kind of texture that I'm after - ie. quite cartoony. It needs to look like hair but it doesn't have to be anywhere near photo-realistic. Pixar-eque stylized looks are what I'm going to be aiming for.

Can anyone point me down the right route to go for what I'm trying to accomplish?

I'm going to attach two test renders I've done today and a photo of the creature that I'm basing the character on (ugly chap isn't he?).




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