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Camera Otl Parameters

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I'm working on a camera otl but i'm having some problems with this beast.

My otl is just a regular camera with some parameters overridden by a chop network and some expressions.

What I'd like to be able to do is at the object level, obtain "my_Custom_Camera" and adjust the parameters (if any) at the object level.

The way I'm creating this otl is first taking a regular camera and collapsing it to a subnet. Inside this subnet I have a chop network that references this camera object which is inside the subnet.

The problem with this method is that once I install this as an otl, the final object "my_Custom_Camera has 3 tabs (transform, subnet and myParameters). All I want is myParameters not all the other default tranform/subnet stuff.

Is there a way to just show myParameters?



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However, if you save your otl with the Controls tab displayed, it will be the default tab when you lay down a new one, so people don't have to first navigate to it.

Once you've done that, you'll find that you won't even remember the other tabs are still there. That's what I've found.

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