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how to paint clustered area by in voronoifracture


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personaly, I think painting is not suitable method for this. definitely possible, but you will probably have a hard time doing that (precision wise) and you can only paint RGBA - that limits you to 4 clusters. that sucks. it you want to control your clustering manually, why don't you do it simply by selection? it will be much faster and more flexible. what exactly are you trying to do?

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if you are still trying to figure things out you can take a look at my example in the attachment. this whole rbd packed object workflow in houdini is kind of tricky and takes some time to fully understand how it works. but it is very flexible and efficient when you master it.


cheers, D.

manual_fracture_clusters.hiplcFetching info...

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  • 1 month later...

Great example. I used part of it for a setup I have for a current job, however I'm running into a strange issue. I have 2 sets of constraints exactly as your example. But I can't get my object to break into clusters. It's either breaking into small pieces, or it stays together as a full rigid piece.


I'm attaching a simplified version of the file if anyone fancies having a look. What I'm trying to achieve in the bigger picture is a simple object breaking through a surface, cracking it into pieces of different sizes. HOwever I'm unable to get event simple clustering to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 


The example has a few nodes deactivated (they are normaly responsible for only activating pieces within range of the breaker object to keep the rest from falling down.)



cracking_example.hipFetching info...

Edited by Milan
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uh, this was a tricky one! :) took me a while, but then I realised it can't work because your setup is not taking into account the fracturing - see the picture. So the solution is to make your clustering on scattered points before the actual fracturing and then transfer the attribute (voronoi fracture SOP allows that). that's it. I believe it is now obvious to you as well  :) There is the fixed scene just for the case. cheers, D.

cracking_example_fixed.hiplcFetching info...


cracking_example_fixed.hiplcFetching info...

Edited by davpe
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Damn. One of those where you bang your head against the wall once you see the solution. Obvious it is, but frankly, I probably wouldn't notice the problem without taking a day away from it (which I didn't :) ).


Thanks a lot. I'm putting you on my 'Owe a beer to...' list ;)

Edited by Milan
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