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preserve 00 digits in float display


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I am displaying a float number going from 0 to 5 in a few seconds and I would like Houdini to display it as 0.00 to 5.00, is there any hscript function that forces the zeros to be displayed ? I tried padzero but that's not its purpose of course.



Many thanx.


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I don't know such expression, but it is easy task for Python. You always can evaluate Python from Expressions.

pythonexprs("'%0.2f' % " + (hscript_expression))
pythonexprs("'%0.2f' % " + ch("../grid1/sizey"))

You also may switch expression language and use Python directly:

'%0.2f' % some_float
'%0.2f' % ch("../grid1/sizey")
'%0.2f' % (hou.time() / 10.0)

And maybe 10-15 different solutions exists. Really depends on your actual scene.

Edited by f1480187
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Many  thanx f1480187,


but it doesn't seem to evaluate something else than float and simple $T or $F hScript expressions, something like a channel ch("../grid3/sizey") is ignored and returns an error. Sorry I don't know anything about python. 


I put this into the font sop text field :

​` pythonexprs("'%0.2f' % ( ch("../grid3/sizey") ) ") `

thx  a lot.

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String formatting is indeed better in Python. VEX and HScript both have only couple of basic functions. Here another couple of solutions, for both Expressions and VEX.

# Expression.
ftoa(trunc($T/10)) + "." + substr(ftoa(frac($T/10)) + "000", 2, 2)

# Multiline version.
    float val = $T / 10;
    string whole = ftoa(trunc(val));
    string fract = ftoa(frac(val)) + "000";
    fract = substr(fract, 2, 2);
    return whole + "." + fract;
// In theory, it should work. But not in my current build.
sprintf("%0.2f", some_float);

// You still can do it.
string whole = itoa((int) some_float);
string fract = sprintf("%f", frac(some_float));
string result = whole + fract[1:4];

// Or even write a function.
string format_num(float val; int fract_digits)
    string strval = sprintf("%f", val);
    string parts[] = split(strval, ".");
    string whole = parts[0];
    string fract = parts[1];
    return whole + "." + fract[:fract_digits];
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