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Problems with constraints


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Hi guys,


I was trying to achieve the "evolution" of my waterfall/river scene by making the water to destroy a wall but I have a problem with the constraints: the wall starts to collapse way before the fluid reaches it and the cause is that the constraints are broken.


I made this small hip file to test a similar scene in a smaller scale but I still have the same problem with the constraints: right now, as you can see from the file attached, at frame 2, all the glue constraints of the wall are broken and the wall starts to collapse.


The way I would like to achieve this it would be to have the wall as an RBD object (or fractured object, still don't know the difference very well) and the river bed as a static object (to which the wall should be constrained to).


I watched the bullet masterclass but with no help on this matter.


Can you guys help me?

Is this the correct way to do this?

Why am I getting those huge forces on frame 2? Is it due to the gravity?


I am sure that the solution is easy, I am convinced that I just lack some knowledge...


Thank you for your help!





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Thank you very much for your helps guys, I appreciate it!


Proceeding with my scene, I have another issue that I cannot still figure out: I am trying to simulate a fluid destroying a wall.

The problem is that as soon as one particle hits the wall, it explodes!


I tried to dial down the velocity scale but with no success.

Any idea? I am attaching my scene...




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Hey again!

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I think your wall is exploding because it is inserted into the terrain via the hole you cut out of the terrain and is having collision issues. 

I noticed when I disconnect the static object (Terrain) that the wall/water no longer explodes on impact. Also take note that the water wont push the wall blocks unless Feedback Scale is above 0 in the FlipSolver>MotionVolume>Solver tab (recommend setting it to 1).

To solve keeping the wall in place without intersecting the geometry, you might try cutting the bottom of the wall off using the terrain (The opposite of what you have now), and grabbing the blocks closest to the terrain and gluing them in place with a second glue constraint. Let me know if you want an example.

- Blayke

Edited by blaykenadeau
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Thanks Blayke!


unfortunately I tried to follow your advice but still doesn't work.


I tried to cookie out the wall - the terrain and I even moved the wall up by a tiny bit (0.1) to be sure it won't intercept but is still exploding.

Ah, I also set the feedback to 1.


This is the updated file, obviously you can edit it or put sticky notes in it... whatever you prefer!





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Hi Blayke,


proceeding with the implementation of my test scene, it seems that the particles are too strong and they provoke a lot of "jittering".


I tried assigning to the wall a higher density (even 4000) and lower (700) but with no significant improvements.
Maybe I should try assigning a mass to every piece (primitive)?
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if you want, you are more than welcome (hip attached).


Today I was trying to change a setting in the FLIP object, setting "use volume velocity for collisions" instead of point but the result is the same


I wonder if we should use something that can transfer the velocity from the particles to the wall (advection?) but I don't know how to do it...


I can see that the particle pass through the wall but they don't really push it. Actually it looks like they are pushing it vertically...





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I'm assuming is was the dopnet3 node that is the most recent iteration. The Feedback Scale was set to 0, and the glue strength for the base of your wall wasn't set high enough and was popping up from the terrain. Adding a few zeroes onto the glue strength should fix it. This got rid of most of the jittering - but the wall chunks were still being thrown around by the water regardless of their density. If you switch the Merge1 node to "Left Input Affect Right Inputs", it reacts better (Still need to mess around with the density, but it doesnt fling out of the simulation area.)

I'm not sure why the simulation works better with the merge node set to that instead of mutual.

Edited by blaykenadeau
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