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constraint object to animated

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i got a hand animated box and i want to make constraint between this box and fractured sphere via glue or hard constraints , the idea is the sphere should follow the box until some force or collision object break some constraints and the free pieces fall down while the rest follow the box 


EX: the plane and big pieces are hand animated and the small pieces are constrainted and moveing accordingly 





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To create the constraints between the two objects scatter a large amount of points on the both surfaces and create a name for A and B. Merge those two and do the standard connect adjacent pieces sop. You should see only points in the connection area. Play a bit with the search radius. Now transfer the original name of the objects back to the constraintpoints. Now you should have working constraints for the connection between your fractured sphere and the box(only the touching pieces).
I'm not quite shure about hard constraints breaking by force but glue definitely only breaks upon impact.
Hope it helps.


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I'd imagine in most scenarios the plane geometry imported from maya would still have transform on each packed alembic object so it should work with no problems

I'd try to avoid unnecessarily interpreting objects as deforming unless they really deform

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  • 7 months later...

Hey guys.

A has download an exapmle of Tomas, it's good. But what if my starting frame does not equals to 1. So I had changed my Simulation Start frame to different frame and in constraint network / overwrite with SOP does not change value to 0 at second / third etc sim frame. And I get in my sim something like a "double transformation" by constraints. How to cure it?

Many Thanks!

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  • 11 months later...

Ha! After spending two days fighting with Houdini to make this work, then giving up this afternoon & doing it all with Maya's ncloth it's heartening to see this isn't actually too difficult to get working after all. Now do I go back to Houdini in the morning? hahaha

Thanks Tomas

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