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Most Efficient Collision Bounding/detection(

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Hey everyone,


looking for some advice regarding collisions - using a static object object and leaving it on ray intersect for more complex geo leaves me with many artefacts (collision guide creates random lines etc.) so been using volume based collisions and caching out beforehand - still getting slow and not perfect results - (using deforming geo shelf tool) then turning interpolate each frame from sop off and deforming geo off. 


Also looked into the bullet data tab - convex hull / sphere etc. Each time i leave it on convex hull due tio have complex ish geo. Would it be better to manually rebuild the geo with little detail using boxes and similar small shapes? 


Ive looked online for a help list or article but found nothing, 


provided hip file with my setup - and geo 


(This scene in particular is for a blood explosion but my collision arent working correctly - or as quick/efficient as id hoped) - PROXY GEO in the scene is the geo im having issues with 


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