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Unknown operator type

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Hi, I have this error in the Console when I start rendering


Unknown operator type: animatrix::Sop/pathDeform::1.00
But then it renders ok
I've tried to create new scene, reset the Houdini.env file... and nothing seems to solve. 
Do you have any idea?
Edited by myke3d
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try the "assets->manage asset libraries" menu.  you should be able to find it in there and see where it's coming from (probably referenced in an otl in your home pref's dir).

Edited by fathom
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Unknown operator type console warning/error is probably a bug involving opening Operator Type Window when invoking render and even something else. It may pop for built-in nodes, like: Unknown operator type: Sop/xform. Solution was posted there. I'll quote it here:



This is because the .hip file contains an entry in OPpreferences for Shop/vopmaterial which is not an HDA
To see that, open Window > Hscript Textport and do 'otprefer'.
To clear the error from the scene do 'otprefer -c'.

See 'help otprefer' for more info.


You can also expand .hip (not .hipnc), manually delete bad references and collapse again using command line tools. Or just copy all nodes into a fresh file. Those are bad solutions, however. Instead, use otprefer -c in the textport window.

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