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Inflate cloth with a finite element solver

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Unfortunately I fail miserably.

I tried the approach of another thread via the targetP and targetV attribute. Nothing happens.

I tried to add a vop force, but I don't get N inside the vop force in order to give the force the necesarry direction.

Could somebody please shed a light, since I'm running against a brick wall.

My version is currently Houdini





Edited by Pancho
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Thanks so much, Sebastian! Works fine for me.

I just tried to achieve the opposite. Shrink a foil around an object. While inflating the foil is easy, shrinking seems to be more difficult. I can easily inverse the inflating fore so the foil is moving towards its colission object, but I end up with folds. While the foil can be stretched, setting up a shrinking behaviour doesn't seem so obvious.

Some time ago I got help to get my "old" smooth deformer over from SI over to H. Get all the neighbour positions, find the average position of these, apply this position to the current point position. Repeat this (wrangle node) within a loop and your object starts to shrink, though not keeping the same relativ distance to the neighbour points.

I tried this to generate targetv and targetP, but I still get folds in the material.

Also setting up a rest position (scaled down geometry for rest) with is used as the targetP doesn't give better results. Still folds.

The effect I need to achieve is similar to an expanded rubber band which tries to relax or a foil which is heated up and then shrinks (around something) like a label.


Any further ideas?




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