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Getting Particles inside of a bottle

JP Shep

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Hello, I'm new to Houdini.


I am trying to get particles to follow a curve and end up filling a bottle but I cannot get the bottle to fill or the curve to work effectively.


I've tried a bunch of different things but the closest I've gotten is with these two files.  

I used an OBJ of a bottle and turned it into a VDB.

In the first file (particle_flow_v07) I used a popnet to get particles along with a popcurveforce to flow along a curve into the bottle.  It looks like it worked ok but the bottle doesn't fill up all the way.

I thought it was because they are particles and not flip particles but was unsure how to convert them to flip particles.


In the second file (v13) I tried using a sphere as a flip fluid emitter instead.  The particles follow the curve ok, some of them fly off the curve even though I increased the force of it; and the particles that end up in the bottle only fill it to a certain point then they just spill out everywhere.

I tried modeling a funnel to get more particles in the bottle but it didnt seem to work.

in v13 theres also a torus I was going to try to use as a sink object but I couldnt get it to work correctly.


Any help or advice would be very appreciated.


EDIT:  So I tried a bunch of tests and I still get the strange purple collision box through my ground plane; not to sure what that is; maybe its the particles colliding with the ground plane?


The particles flow along the curve beautifully so thank you for the tip about my particle separation.


Particles are still leaking though my geometry and I have a bad feeling it's because of the obj I found online but I am still unsure.






Glass Bottle.obj


geo issue.png

particles leaking.png

purple box_stillthere.png

Edited by JP Shep
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Something to bear in mind with FLIP is that the particle separation determines the resolution of your collision geometry. In the collision geo check on your static object everything will look hunky dory, but to FLIP if you have a high particle separation, the grid resolution can't accurately represent the collision geo. If you want to see how FLIP sees your collisions, go to your flipfluidobject and check on 'Collision' in Guides / Visualization. 

Attached shows how FLIP sees your bottle at your current setting of 0.2, and then how it sees it at 0.02. 








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On 6/17/2016 at 6:30 AM, adrianr said:

Something to bear in mind with FLIP is that the particle separation determines the resolution of your collision geometry. In the collision geo check on your static object everything will look hunky dory, but to FLIP if you have a high particle separation, the grid resolution can't accurately represent the collision geo. If you want to see how FLIP sees your collisions, go to your flipfluidobject and check on 'Collision' in Guides / Visualization. 

Attached shows how FLIP sees your bottle at your current setting of 0.2, and then how it sees it at 0.02. 




The Fluid is definitely following my curve better which is fantastic but the sim time in atrocious I think my computer runs out of ram as I sim; is there any way to speed this up?

In addition I'm not getting the purple representation of my bottle like in your examples, I'm getting a purple box around my curve force and a flickering purple box under my bottle.

purple box.png

fluid question.png

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EDIT: This is embarrassing, I switched computers in my lab and didn't set my $HIP up correctly.  I wasn't seeing the bottle because my original OBJ wasn't being read.

Retesting everything now.  Would still like to know If there's a way to speed up sim time though.

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