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&I66i5iy I ran into this problem where I am exporting multiple pieces of geo from 3ds Max. What's really odd is I could have them act the same as internal Houdini geometry. In my case I have bricks. However, in DOPs, when I go to so fracturing with the Voronoi Fracture Configure Object - all of the bricks just collide without fracturing. If I replace the bricks with anything native to Houdini it fractures as expected.

Is there any reason why this is happening? As an FYI - when I imported the geo from Max I had to scale down the scene from 1 to .2. So I don't know if this might be throwing off the mass/density.

I would upload the scene but I can't because it's a production shot. I will work on making a proxy scene to upload today if it helps.
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When you import your alembic you have to unpack and convert the geometry before the fracture so that it's polys. Otherwise the fracture is only going to try and operate on packed geo which only exists as the centroid point.

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