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Houdini Multiple Simulations

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Hello everyone!

There is such a little problem here, it would be desirable in the context of ROP link multiple nodes to be considered locally and some tasks should be sent to the farm. What I want in an ideal? To the end of all nodes of the tree could click on the Render button and tasks of the beginning of the considered local, and some went to the farm.

Is it possible at all to do?

Thank you in advance!


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So, I have 2 questions.

1. Does geometry2 need the result of hq_sim1?

Asking that 'cause right now, your dependencies look like :
1.local -> 2.farm -> 3.local -> 4.farm
I really don't see how to make a clean link between 2 and 3

2. Why aren't you sending all the jobs on the farm, you would be able to get dependencies?

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