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One object on whole matteshadow scene

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i'm trying to get the shadows of an object on the other objects in my scene. But I have an issue :
the MatteShadow material project the shadows of all objects. I only want the shadows of my single object. I can't find any parameter to disable a "receive shadows" like in 3ds max or Maya.


So I tried with Light Mask. But here is the second problem :
When I have several objects, the shadows is casted as if the other objects don't exist.


So :
1) If I use a MatteShadow, is it possible to disable the cast shadows on the objects that have this material ?

2) If I'm using Light mask, how can I get the excluded objects from light being considered ?

I want to render several passes of objects with their shadows... but I can't find a way to do it like in Vray (Vray properties > Matte object).


thx for help !

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Hi, thanks for your reply, but it's not exactly what I want. I've already tested this scene.

This is my second case in the post :

When I play whit Light Masks and Shadow Mask, and exclude my box from shadows, Mantra considers that the box doesn't exist and it projects only the sphere shadows onto the box and the grid but without substracting the occluded part due to the box.

I actually want the box's shadows to be substracted from the sphere.

If I get the scene file from the link you gave me, what I want exactly is the shadows of the Torus onto the sphere (so that's OK) but I also want it on the grid, without the one of the sphere. But I get the full shadow of the torus instead of the [torus' shadows - sphere's shadows]...


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