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One simulation 2 densities


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I'm doing an exercise of the launch of two smoke grenades .

My problem arises when once made the simulation I want to save each smoke in a different file to give different shaders . I cant do it because both smokes are in the same "smokeobject1".

Each smoke interact with each other.


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Looking at it now, I was actually wrong in what I answered you on Vimeo - I confused Mantra and Arnold's volume shaders. Now, you could build a (or modify the Pyro-) shader to do what I said, split up the fields in one shader, but you can't add fields in the shader GUI, you gotta do it in SHOPs.

But it's also redundant as I at least thought you had two different volume objects in DOPs - with one object there's no way to split it up "after the fact". :(

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Hello and thanks again Farmfield ! I discovered this and it seems like my job. Its quite different because i have 2 sources with differents parameters but I will try that. 

if i create two scalar fields, it does not work. I am doing something wrong.


Edited by ismaelvm89
forgot something
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