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vertexindex and vertexpoint

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I'm facing some troubles understanding some vex functions , many HIP files include wrangles like

int vt0 = vertexindex(0,@primnum,0);
int vt1 = vertexindex(0,@primnum,1);

int pt0 = vertexpoint(0,vt0);
int pt1 = vertexpoint(0,vt1);

and I don't understand what the two functions return exactly ?

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pointvertex() will also give you the (usually first) vertex connected to a point (returns -1 if it is an isolated point). you could then use vertexnext() and vertexprev() to get more vertices connected to the same point.

pointvertices() will give you an int array of all the vertices connected to a point.

I generally always have this open when writing vex: https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini15.0/vex/functions/

the simple way to remember how these guys work, is the [first part of the name is the input] [second part of the name is the output]

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