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Displace along normal until a volume is filled?

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Still learning here but hang with me. I have a torus which I have thrown into a solver then into a point vop. Im using Cd to control the amount of displacement over time. It creates a cool growing effect but I don’t want this to grow infinitely larger; I want to control the growth by having it fill the volume of another torus. I tried setting the secondary torus to Cd = 0 and then transfering that attribute to the displacement channel but my attempts are failing. Does anybody have any idea how to use the secondary torus as a boundary? or even better have it eventually fill the torus? .hip file is attached


Screen Shot 2016-10-25 at 8.32.25 PM.png

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you can test it against an sdf of the boundary each frame

if you've never used  an sdf before, it's a volume representation of a shape with negative values on the inside and positive outside within the narrow band.

there's built-in vex functions to sample volumes and in the file I use the border of the sdf  to control the displacement




Edited by dchow1992
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