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Transfer primitive attribute to generated centroid point?


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Hey everyone,

So, I'm attempting to recreate this packed objects / dart throwing technique from Simon Holmedal. 

I feel I'm close, but I'm struggling with a n00b problem and was hoping someone could take a look and help me out.

I have an attribute on the primitives that I want to drive the scale of the copied spheres. I've done an attribute wrangle on the primitives to create new points at the center of each which I plan to use as the locations for the copied spheres. I just can't seem to work out how to transfer the attribute AND delete the primitives. I'm not having any luck with the attribute transfer node.

Any ideas?

Thanks legends. 




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you can use setattrib to set point attributes


int newpt = addpoint(0, @P);
setattrib(0, "point", "pscale", newpt, 0, @area);
removeprim(0, @primnum, 1);

make sure you have pscale on your points

edit*couldn't resist trying to make something

kinda slow though, i'm sure there's a better way




Edited by dchow1992
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