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Recreate a simulation from popnetOld to the new popnet

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Hi I was hoping that anyone could check out my file and give me the right track to recreate a recursive split in the new popnet. I tried for hours but can't get the same behavior, the new popnet refuses to replicate particles from the new particles, also maybe someone know how to use the "kill original particle", it seemed obvious but everytime I tried to use it, it kills all the particles at once as soon as the replicate gets activated (but no particles have been replicated). You can find a working node (using the old popnet) and a new one with my failures :( .  Thanks in advance!


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  • 1 month later...

Had a look at your scene, the problem is the streams. Streams are essentially groups for particles, to make replicate be recursive, you need to make sure your original particles and the replicated particles share the same stream name. By default they'll be $OS, ie, they take the name of the node. On the 'source first input' node go to the stream tab, change $OS to 'emit', and on the replicate node, again go to the stream tab and change $OS to 'emit'.


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  • 1 month later...

OH GOD! Thank you so much. Everything is so much clear now, I left this on a side for a looong time. Now it's working. Thank you again. And I fell in love with your website.

If I can ask for another little thing, hoping that you can still read this, How can I define a particle "Born" state. In TP is super easy because you have a node for that. Here I'm using the "negative jitter birth time" and then test the negative age in a group node (preserve Off), it works, but maybe it's not the best thing to do, don't know, it doesn't feel that right, maybe any other method around there. Good luck dude, you are a life saver! I was going mad with that little thing, and is so much ahead >__<.

Pardon my really bad english.

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