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Baking triplanar projections

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Image-based texture is not really my strong point and Mantra in general is pretty intimidating, but its getting to the point that I need to get over my Mantra fears and improve my texturing skills.

I have some fractured geometry (see my "FLIP through wall" WIP thread) that is pretty complex and won't UV well, it seems to be a good candidate for a triplanar projection, but because it's animated this won't work out of the box.

Unless there is a better way, my thinking is I'll texture the wall when static and bake the textures to Ptex. It'll be time consuming, though I will only need to do it once.

The semester is very quickly ending, so I'm kind of running out of time to bungle around on ideas that are not practical. So your thoughts on this are appreciated.

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well I yhink you pretty much answered yourself. bake your texture on the first frame and you're done. you can use bake texture ROP for that. not sure about ptex though. never used it so can't judge it's coolness but if you're in rush I think doing auto UVs and baking into it is safer way...

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10 minutes ago, davpe said:

well I yhink you pretty much answered yourself. bake your texture on the first frame and you're done. you can use bake texture ROP for that. not sure about ptex though. never used it so can't judge it's coolness but if you're in rush I think doing auto UVs and baking into it is safer way...

Thanks @davpeSo when baking the triplanar projected texture will distorted UVs work OK?

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Any uvs should work fine unless it is overlapping or the distortion is very bad. when it is somehow distorted then the bake will be distorted as well and everybody's happy. when the distortion is too bad though, you may start to see some sort of artifacting from uneven pixel coverage or something like that. anyway, when you use UnwrapUV SOP you should get free auto uvs with zero to very little distortion. perfect for what you need to do I guess.

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