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Use file cache of simulation in HQueue Render

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I'm taking a look at Hqueue, I can get it to render just fine to my small farm by using the "Copy Project Files to Shared Folder" method. What I can't figure out is how I can include my simulation cache files as part of the submission. Since I've gone to the trouble on my main workstation of caching the simulations to SIM files why not use them in a distributed render?

The file dependencies prior to submission shows the sim files in green, but required is un-checked. Checking required shows "Files that are missing cannot be marked as required". They are not missing. 

I've also tried copying the sim folder manually to the shared folder on the server to no avail. 

Any thoughts?


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ok I think I figured it out. 

I was generating sim files using the output node then ticking "playback simulation" on the DOP. 

I've now inserted a file node and pointed that to my sim files in the DOP network. the file dependency checker now wants my sim files and they got copied with the hip. 

This is the correct way about it / is there a better way?

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