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How Do I Apply A Texture To Polygonal Soccerball ?

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Dear users:

I modeled a soccerball and now want to apply a texture to the faces of the soccerball. The monkey tutorial that comes with Houdini which shows pelting is not very clear to me and I'm not sure how I would apply any of that tutorial to this exercise. What I'd like to know is:

1. How to select faces and apply UV info to them (by faces I mean the Hexagonal and Pentagonal patches on the soccerball)

2. How to import the square texture into Houdini Escape (I'm not sure if this version has COPs or not--the Sidefx website said that Compositing is a standalone called HALO but I did see an option to go to the COP desktop--so I'm confused about that)

3. How do I show my texture in the UV window of the viewport

4. How do I map the socerrball faces into the UV viewport.

5. How do I finally apply the texture to the faces once everything is mapped out in the UV viewport (Is it just a matter of drag and drop or what?)

Sorry it's a bit much :D but I'm not keen on any of this just yet.

Any help is appreciated.



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I think there are a couple of tutorials of texturing floating around that could help. For starters, pelting is definitely overkill for a soccer ball.

In your SOP, start with your soccer ball, append a UVTexture SOP (the defaults should be fine). Now in the viewport hit 'Space+5' to see the uv's. (To go back to perspective hit 'Space+1' if you are starting from a default setup) You can then use the UVEdit SOP to do your editting in uv's as you would use Edit SOP in 3D. That should get you started.

Take care,


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I found the tutorials I was thinking of


The watermelon one should be what you're looking for to get started.

Good luck,



Thanks George for that link. I've viewed the tutorials. Houdini 5 which they're using is a bit different from Houdini 7 in terms of the interface, so now I'll try to apply what I've learned in the tutorials to my project and hope I get it right. If I need more help I'll post some more questions. Thanks again. :)



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