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Pre-Roll Pyro Sim

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Sorry if this has been answered before....

I have a fire anim that I want to start on frame 1 but I want the flame to be already built up like it would be on frame 25. So it starts at its peak and then plays through my 58 frame anim. I looked at the Rest Field in the solver because it had some things that sounded like they might work when I ticked 'enable rest'. I thought Frame Offset could work but I couldnt figure it out.


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Joe's solution should work assuming your fire source isn't animated and you're not interacting with anything animated throughout the sim. 

Your easiest option is to set your dop start frame to a negative number, like -24, to get your preroll.

Another route would be to save out .sim files until you get a fire look that you like, and then you can use that sim file as your "Initial State" for your dop network.

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