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Accesing The Parameters Of An Otl With Hscript


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Ok i have an otl and have created some parameters for it on the parameters page and now i want to access this parameters in the callback script of another parameter . Is it possible to do this ? and if so how ?

Thanks in advance


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I tend to pass in the name of the OTL as the first argument in a callback so I can have scripts that access other parameters like this:

set theOTL = $arg1

set someFloat = `ch(${theOTL}/someFloat)`

set someString = `chs(${theOTL}/someString)`


: etc

I usually pass the name of the OTL as an argument like this becasue I find it more readable. Furthermore, I often have callback scripts call other callback scripts and sometimes these can even be on other instances of the asset so it also gives me greater flexibility. If you aren't going to get that messy then this works too:

set someFloat = `chs(opfullpath(".")/someFloat)`

set someString = `chs(opfullpath(".")/someString)`


: etc

where "." stands for the current node, i.e. the calling OTL.

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