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Non Updating Otls

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i have an otl which is distributed around a number of different scenews, i have a master scene which is where i make any changes to the otl if i need to...

however, if i make a change and install it the changes only appear in the user interface where an otl is already in a scene, but the contents do not update, if i lay down a new otl however the changes are present.

is ther eany way i can update the contents on thed otls already present within scenes if i make a change to my master?



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i have an otl which is distributed around a number of different scenews, i have a master scene which is where i make any changes to the otl if i need to... 

however, if i make a change and install it the changes only appear in the user interface where an otl is already in a scene, but the contents do not update, if i lay down a new otl however the changes are present.

is ther eany way i can update the contents on thed otls already present within scenes if i make a change to my master?




Hi Mark, You can always break open your HDA and edit it and save it out to a new otl from Houdini. Otherwise, if other users are not getting their updates, please check to make sure that their HDA are not "Embedded" into the HIP file, otherwise, their Embedded HDA will never get any updates. If otherwise, just go to the OpType Managers and delete that embedded HDA and Houdini should automatically default to the next available HDA. If Houdini still couldn't deleted, then install the OTL first and then try deleting that embedded OTL.

Generally, if you don't need to worry about distributing different version of the otl to the artists, you can symlink (in *nix, that is) your version of the otl that you want to publish so that the ones that the artists looking to are always versionless otl while the OTL maintainer will deal with the version updates, etc.



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