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Dynamics Tutorial Online


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There is a new Dynamics Quickstart tutorial at www.sidefx.com. Go to Learning>Tutorials where you can get the new lesson and its supporting files. In this lesson, you will explore Houdini's dynamics environment including the rigid body and cloth solvers. You will also learn about rigid body glue and how to work with both solvers in the same simulation.

This online lesson is in PDF format to make it easy to print and use for self-study learning. These web-based lessons are in addition to the material that ships with Houdini.

This is the first of a series of lessons planned for the web. As time passes, the best of these lessons will be included as part of the html based documentation.

Robert Magee

Senior Product Specialist

Side Effects Software Inc.

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This is an extremely useful tutorial but I think I found a mistake that may confuse others so I thought I'd share in case it catches anyone else out.

I've got as far as the rendering the simulation on pages 13/14 and there seems to be an error in the object merge that fetches all of the simulation pieces so they can be rendered. If the table legs are merged using the syntax used in the tutorial


then only one leg is loaded. To get all of the legs you need to wildcard it like this


which is a bit counter-intuitive as each table leg seems to have the Object Name "rbd_tablelegs"!

I found that it made more sense to change the Object Name field in the rbd_tablelegs RBD Object DOP to `opname(".")`$OBJ so I could easily identify the individual parts in the detail view. You can then still use the wildcard syntax as above to object merge all legs at once or even use other patterns to load just some of the parts. For example, all of the vase parts less piece 4 can be fetched with a single entry like this:


I was using Houdini 8.0.389 when I did this tutorial.

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Thanks for the tip. I have added the $OBJ and the tablelegs* as you suggested and posted an updated lesson at www.sidefx.com. Feedback from the community is always appreciated and if possible we will respond with an updated lesson where appropriate.

Robert Magee

Senior Product Specialist

Side Effects Software Inc.

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Thanks for revising this so quickly. Is there a SESI email address that would have been a better place to send feedback like this or is placing it on here just as useful to SESI?

I really like the format of this tutorial. It was very easy to walkthrough the stages. DOPs can be tough going and this tutorial made it approachable. I'd love to see more walkthroughs done like this! :)

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